Journal publications
(62) Ratschow, A.D.; Bauer, L.S.; Bista, P.; Weber, S.A.L.; Butt, H.-J.; Hardt, S. How Charges Separate when Surfaces Are Dewetted PRL 132, 224002 (2024) [link] [article in Physics focus].
(61) Bista, P.; Ratschow, A.D.; Stetten, A.Z.; Butt, H.J.; Weber, S.A.L. Surface charge density and induced currents by self-charging sliding drops Soft Matter, 20, 5045 (2024) [link].
(60) Liang, J.; Ender, C.P.; Rohrbeck, P.; Graf, R.; Lieberwirth, I.; Räder, H.-J.; Wagner, M.; Weber, S.A.L.; Müllen, K.; Weil, T High pressure induced formation of carbon nanorods from tetracosane Diamond & Related Materials 143, 110913 (2024) [link].
(59) Bista, P.; Ratschow, A.D.; Butt, H.-J. and Weber, S.A.L. High Voltages in Sliding Water Drops J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 11110 [link].
(58) Yalcinkaya, Y; Rohrbeck, P.N.; Schütz, E.R.; Fakharuddin, A.; Schmidt‐Mende, L. and Weber, S.A.L. Nanoscale Photovoltage Spectroscopy Adv. Optical Mater. 2023, 2301318 [link].
(57) Zhu, C.; Fuchs, T; Weber, S.A.L.; Richter, F.H.; Glasser, G.; Weber, F.; Butt, H.-J.; Janek, J.; Berger, R. Understanding the evolution of lithium dendrites at Li6.25Al0.25La3Zr2O12 grain boundaries via operando microscopy techniques Nat. Comm. 14, 1300 (2023) [link].
(56) Wang, S.; Bidinakis, K.; Haese, C.; Hasenburg, F. H.; Yildiz, O.; Ling, Z.; Frisch, S.; Kivala, M.; Graf, R.; Blom, P. W. M.; Weber, S. A. L.; Pisula, W. and Marszalek, T. Modification of Two-Dimensional Tin-Based Perovskites by Pentanoic Acid for Improved Performance of Field-Effect Transistors Small, 19, p. 2207426 (2023) [link][pdf].
(55) Vogel, P.; Möller, N; Qaisrani, M.N.; Bista, P.; Weber, S.A.L.; Butt, H.J.; Liebchen, B.; Sulpizi, M. and Palberg, T. Charging of Dielectric Surfaces in Contact with Aqueous Electrolytes – the Influence of CO2 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, p. 21080 (2023) [link].
(54) Li, S.; Bista, P.; Weber, S.A.L.; Kappl, M. and Butt, H.J. Spontaneous Charging of Drops on Lubricant-Infused Surfaces Langmuir 38, p. 12610 (2022) [link][pdf].
(53) Yalcinkaya, M.Y.; Hermes, I.M.; Seewald, T.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Veith, L.; Schmidt-Mende, L.; Weber, S.A.L. Chemical Strain Engineering in MAPbI3 Perovskite Adv. Energy Mater. 12, 2202442 (2022) [link] [pdf].
(52) Schütz, E.R.; Fakharuddin, A.; Yalcinkaya, Y; Ochoa-Martinez, E.; Bijani, S.; Yusoff, A.R.M.; Vasi-lopoulou, M.; Seewald, T.; Steiner, U.; Weber, S.A.L. and Schmidt-Mende, L. Reduced defect density in crystalline halide perovskite films via methylamine treatment for the application in photodetectors APL Materials 10, 081110 (2022) [link] [pdf].
(51) Junglas, B.; Axt, A.; Siebenaller, C.; Sonel, H.; Hellmann, N.; Weber, S.A.L. and Schneider, D.; Membrane destabilization and pore formation induced by the Synechocystis IM30 protein Biophysical Journal 121, 3411 (2022) [link].
(50) Thu, T.T.M.; Moreira, R.A.; Weber, S.A.L. and Poma A.B. Molecular Insight into the Self-Assembly Process of Cellulose Iβ Microfibril Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 8505 (2022) [link].
(49) Walter, L. S., Axt, A., Borchert, J. W., Kammerbauer, T., Winterer, F., Lenz, J., Weber, S. A. L., Weitz, R. T., Revealing and Controlling Energy Barriers and Valleys at Grain Boundaries in Ultrathin Organic Films Small 18, 2200605, (2022) [link] [pdf].
(48) Wong, W.; Bista, P.; Li, X.; Veith, L.; Sharifi-Aghili, A.; Weber, S.A.L.; Butt, H.-J. Tuning the Charge of Sliding Water Drops Langmuir 38, 6224 (2022) [link] [pdf].
(47) Li, X.; Bista, P.; Stetten, A.; Bonart, H.; Schür, M.T.; Hardt, S.; Bodziony, F.; Marschall, H.; Saal, A.; Deng, X.; Berger, R.; Weber, S.A.L.; Butt, H.-J. Spontaneous charging affects the motion of sliding drops Nature Physics 18, 713 (2022) [link] [pdf] MPIP press release.
(46) Diaz, D.I.; Garcia Gonzalez, D.; Bista, P.; Weber, S.A.L., Butt, H.-J.; Stetten, A.Z.; Kappl, M, Charging of Impacting Drops onto Superhydrophobic Surfaces Soft Matter 18, 1628 (2022), [link] [pdf].
(45) Moreita, R.A.; Weber, S.A.L.; Poma, A.B. Martini 3 Model of Cellulose Microfibrils: On the Route to Capture Large Conformational Changes of Polysaccharides Molecules, 27, 976 (2022) [link].
(44) Bahnmüller, U.J.; Kuper, H.; Seewald, T.; Yalcinkaya, Y.; Becker, J.A.; Schmidt-Mende, L.; Weber, S.A.L.; Polarz, S. On the Shape-Selected, Ligand-Free Preparation of Hybrid Perovskite (CH3NH3PbBr3) Microcrystals and Their Suitability as Model-System for Single-Crystal Studies of Optoelectronic Properties Nanomaterials 11, 3057 (2021) [link].
(43) Gharibzadeh, S; Fassl, P.; Hossain, I.M.; Rohrbeck, P.; Frericks, M; Schmidt, M.; Duong, T.; Rah-man Khan, M.; Abzieher, T.; Nejand, B.A.; Schackmar, F.; Almora, O; Feeney, T.; Singh, R.; Fuchs, D.; Lemmer, U.; Hofmann, J.P.; Weber, S.A.L. and Paetzold, U.W.; Two birds with one stone: dual grain-boundary and interface passivation enables >22% efficient inverted methylammonium-free perovskite solar cells Energy Environ. Sci. 14, 5875 (2021), [link] [pdf].
(42) Junglas, B.; Orru, R.; Axt, A.; Siebenaller, C.; Steinchen, W.; Heidrich, J.; Hellmich, U.A.; Hellmann, N.; Wolf, E.; Weber, S.A.L. and Schneider, D.; IM30 IDPs form a membrane protective carpet upon supercomplex disassembly Commun. Biol. 3, 595 (2020) 89 [link] [pdf].
(41) Wu, S.; Zhang, M.; Song, J.; Weber, S.; Liu, X.; Fan, C.; Wu, Y. Fine Customization of Calcium Phosphate Nanostructures with Site-Specific Modification by DNA Templated Mineralization ACS Nano 15, 1555 (2021) [link].

(40) Hermes, I. M.; Best, A.; Mars, J.; Vorpahl, S.M.; Mezger, M; Butt, H.-J.; Ginger, D.S.; Koynov, K.; Weber, S.A.L. Anisotropic carrier diffusion in single MAPbI3 grains correlates to their twin domains Energy Environ. Sci. 13, 4168 (2020). [link] [pdf]. Featured on the Cover of EES and as a MPIP press release.
(39) Teisala, H.; Baumli, P.; Weber, S. A. L.; Vollmer, D. and Butt, H.-J. Grafting silicone at room tempera-ture – a transparent, scratch-resistant non-stick molecular coating Langmuir 36, 4416 (2020) [link] [pdf].

(38) Stetten, A. Z.; Golovkio, D.S.; Weber, S.A.L. and Butt, H.J. Slide electrification: Charging of surfaces by moving water drops Soft matter 15, 8667 (2019) [link] [pdf]. Featured on the cover of Soft Matter and as a MPIP press release.
(37) Klasen, A.; Baumli, P.; Sheng, Q.; Johannes, E.; Bretschneider, S. A.; Hermes, I. M.; Bergmann, V. W.; Gort, C.; Axt, A.; Weber, S. A. L.; Kim, H.; Butt, H.-J.; Tremel, W. and Berger, R. Removal of Surface Oxygen Vacancies Increases Conductance Through TiO2 Thin Films for Perovskite Solar Cells J. Phys. Chem C., 123, 13458 (2019) [link] [pdf].
(36) Kilpatrick, J.I.; Collins, L.; Weber, S.A.L. and Rodriguez, B.J. Quantitative comparison of closed-loop and dual harmonic Kelvin probe force microscopy techniques Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 123708 (2018) [link].

(35) Hermes, I. M.; Hou, Y.; Bergmann, V.W.; Brabec, C. and Weber, S.A.L. The Interplay of Contact Layers: How the Electron Transport Layer Influences Interfacial Recombination and Hole Extraction in Perovskite Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 6249 (2018) [link].
(34) Butt, H.J.; Berger, R.; Steffen, W.; Vollmer, D. and Weber, S.A.L Adaptive Wetting—Adaptation in Wetting Langmuir, 34(38), 11292 (2018) [link].
(33) Schellenberger, F.; Papadopoulos, P.; Kappl, M.; Weber, S.A.L; Vollmer, D. and Butt, H.J. Detaching Microparticles from a Liquid Surface Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 048002 (2018) [link].

(32) Weber, S.A.L; Hermes, I.M.; Turren Cruz, S.H.; Gort, C.; Bergmann, V.W.; Gilson, L; Hagfeldt, A.; Grätzel, M; Tress, W; and Berger, R. How the Formation of Interfacial Charge Causes Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells Energy Environmental Science, 11, 2404 (2018) [link] [pdf] [Journal cover].
Further reading/viewing: [MPI-P press release], [Time-resolved KPFM movies] [Article in Chemistry World].
(31) Axt, A; Hermes, I.M.; Bergmann, V.W.; Tausendpfund, N. and Weber, S.A.L., Know your full potential: Quantitative Kelvin probe force microscopy on nanoscale electrical devices, Beistein J. Nanotech., 9, 1809 (2018). [link] [pdf].
(30) Vorpahl, S.M.; Giridharagopal, R.; Eperon, G.E.; Hermes, I.M.; Weber, S.A.L.; and Ginger, D.S. Orientation of Ferroelectric Domains and Disappearance upon Heating Methylammonium Lead Triiodide Perovskite from Tetragonal to Cubic Phase ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 1(4), 1534 (2018) [link].
(29) Xing, Y.; Xu, M.; Gui, X.; Cao, Y.; Babel, B.; Rudolph, M.; Weber, S.; Kappl, M. & Butt, H.-J. The application of atomic force microscopy in mineral flotation Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 256, 373 (2018) [link].
(28) Will, J.; Hou, Y.; Scheiner, S.; Pinkert, U.; Hermes, I. M.; Weber, S. A. L.; Hirsch, A.; Halik, M.; Brabec, C. & Unruh, T. Evidence of Tailoring the Interfacial Chemical Composition in Normal Structure Hybrid Organohalide Perovskites by a Self-Assembled Monolayer ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces 10(6), 5511 (2018), [link].
(27) Park, J., Song, S., Shin, C., Yang, Y., Weber, S. A. L., Sim, E. and Kim, Y. S., Ion Specificity on Electric Energy Generated by Flowing Water Droplets Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57(8), 2091 (2018) [link].
(26) Bergmann, V. W.; Guo, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Hermes, I. M.; Li, D.; Klasen, A.; Bretschneider, S. A.; Nakamura, E.; Berger, R. and Weber, S.A.L. Local Time-Dependent Charging in a Perovskite Solar Cell ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces, 8(30), 19402 (2016) [link].
(25) Li, D.; Bretschneider, S. A.; Bergmann, V. W.; Hermes, I. M.; Mars, J.; Klasen, A.; Lu, H.; Tremel, W.; Mezger, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Weber, S. A. L. and Berger, R. Humidity-Induced Grain Boundaries in MAPbI3 Perovskite Films, J. Phys. Chem C, 120(12), 6363 (2016) [link].
(24) Hermes, I. M.; Bretschneider, S. A.; Bergmann, V. W.; Li, D.; Klasen, A.; Mars, J.; Tremel, W.; Laquai, F.; Butt, H.-J.; Mezger, M.; Berger, R.; Rodriguez, B. J. and Weber, S. A. L. Ferroelastic Fingerprints in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite, J. Phys. Chem C, 120(10), 5724 (2016) [Link].
(23) Lee, I.-H.; Amaladass, P.; Choi, I.; Bergmann, V. W.; Weber, S. A. L. and Choi, T.-L. Preparing DNA-mimicking multi-line nanocaterpillars via in situ nanoparticlisation of fully conjugated polymers, Polym. Chem., 7, 1422 (2016) [pdf][Link].
(22) Wooh, S.; Kim, T.-Y.; Song, D.; Lee, Y.-G.; Lee, T. K.; Bergmann, V. W.; Weber, S. A. L.; Bisquert, J.; Kang, Y. S. and Char, K., Surface Modification of TiO2 Photoanodes with Fluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayers for Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7(46), 25741 (2015) [Link].
(21) Thambidurai, M; Kim, J.Y.; Song, H.-J.; Ko, Y; Muthukumarasamy, N.; Velauthapillai, D.; Bergmann, V. W.; Weber, S.A.L. and Lee, C. Enhanced power conversion efficiency of inverted organic solar cells by using solution processed Sn-doped TiO2 as an electron transport layer, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 11426 (2014) [Link].
(20) Bergmann, V.W.; Weber, S.A.L.; Ramos, J.A.; Nazeeruddin, M.K.; Grätzel, M.; Li, D; Domanski, A.L.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ahmad, S. and Berger, R. Real-space observation of unbalanced charge distribution inside a perovskite-sensitized solar cell, Nature Communications, 5, 5001 (2014) [Link][Fulltext].
(19) Collins, L.; Jesse, S.; Kilpatrick, J.I.; Tselev, A.; Varenyk, O.; Okatan, M.B.; Weber, S.A.L.; Kumar, A.; Balke, N.; Kalinin, S.V. and Rodriguez, B.J. Probing charge screening dynamics and electrochemical processes at the solid–liquid interface with electrochemical force microscopy, Nature Communications, 5, 3871 (2014) [Link][Fulltext].
(18) Weber, S. A. L.; Kilpatrick, J. I.; Brosnan, T. M.; Jarvis, J. P. and Rodriguez, B.J. High viscosity environments: an unexpected route to obtain true atomic resolution with atomic force microscopy, Nanotechnology, 25, 175701 (2014) [Link] [IOP labtalk feature][MPIP press release].
(17) Collins, L.; Kilpatrick, J. I.; Vlassiouk, I. V.; Tselev, A.; Weber, S. A. L.; Jesse, S.; Kalinin, S. V. and Rodriguez, B. J. Dual harmonic Kelvin probe force microscopy at the graphene–liquid interface, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 133103 (2014) [pdf][Link].
(16) Collins, L.; Kilpatrick, J. I.; Weber, S. A. L.; Tselev, A.; Vlassiouk, I. V.; Ivanov, I. N.; Jesse, S.; Kalinin, S. V. and Rodriguez, B. J. Open loop Kelvin probe force microscopy with single and multi-frequency excitation, Nanotechnology, 24, 475702 (2013) [Link].
(15) R. Berger, A.L. Domanski and S.A.L. Weber Electrical Characterization of Organic Solar Cell Materials based on Scanning Force Microscope Methods, Eur. Polym. J., 49, 1907 (2013)[Link].
(14) S.A.L. Weber and R. Berger, Electrical Tip-Sample Contact in Scanning Conductive Torsion Mode, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 163105 (2013) [pdf][Link].
(13) A.L. Domanski, E. Sengupta, K. Bley, M.B. Untch, S.A.L. Weber, K. Landfester, C.K. Weiss, H.J. Butt, and R. Berger, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy in Nonpolar Liquids, Langmuir, 28, 13892 (2012) [Link].
(12) N. C. Carville, M. Manzo, S. Damm, M. Castiella, L. Collins, D. Denning, S.A.L. Weber, K. Gallo, J.H. Rice, and B.J. Rodriguez, Photoreduction of SERS-Active Metallic Nanostructures on Chemically Patterned Ferroelectric Crystals, ACS Nano 6, p. 7373, (2012) [Link].
(11) E. Sengupta, A.L. Domanski, S.A.L. Weber, M.B. Untch, H.J. Butt, T. Sauermann, H.J. Egelhaaf, R. Berger, Photoinduced Degradation Studies of Organic Solar Cell Materials Using Kelvin Probe Force and Conductive Scanning Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 19994, (2011) [Link].
(10) M. Lechmann, S.A.L. Weber, J. Geserick, N. Huesing, R. Berger, J.S. Gutmann, Investigating Morphology and Electronic Properties of Self-Assembled Hybrid systems for Solar Cells, Energy Environ. Sci. 21, 7765 (2011) [Link].
(9) A. Siems, S.A.L. Weber, J. Boneberg and A. Plech, Thermodynamics of nanobubble formation at laser-excited metal nanoparticles, New J. Phys. 13, 043018 (2011) [Link].
(8) L. Steidl, S. Frank, S.A.L. Weber, M. Panthofer, A. Birkel, D. Koll, R. Berger, W. Tremel and R. Zentel, Electrodeposition of ZnO nanorods on opaline replica as hierarchically structured systems, J. Mater. Chem. 21, p. 1079 (2011) [Link].
(7) M. Zorn, S.A.L. Weber, M.N. Tahir, W. Tremel, H.-J. Butt, R. Berger and R. Zentel, Light induced charging of polymer functionalized nanorods, Nano Lett. 11, p. 2812 (2010) [Link].
(6) S.A.L. Weber, N. Haberkorn, P. Theato and R. Berger, Mapping of local conductivity variations on fragile nanopillar arrays by scanning conductive torsionmode microscopy, Nano Lett. 10(4), p. 1194 (2010) [Link].
(5) S.A.L. Weber, M. Memesa, R. Berger, H.-J. Butt and J.S. Gutmann, Electrical scanning probe microscopy of an integrated blocking layer, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 10, p. 6840 (2010) [pdf][Link].
(4) N. Haberkorn, S.A.L. Weber, R. Berger and P. Theato, Template-based preparation of free-standing semiconducting polymeric nanorod arrays on conductive substrates, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2, 1573 (2010) [Link].
(3) J. Kwak, W.K. Bae, M. Zorn, H. Woo, H. Yoon, J. Lim, S.W. Kang, S. Weber, H.-J. Butt, R. Zentel, S. Lee, K. Char and C. Lee, Characterization of quantum dot/conducting polymer hybrid films and their application to light-emitting diodes, Adv. Mater. 21(48), p. 5022 (2009) [Link].
(2) R. Berger, H.-J. Butt, M.B. Retschke and S.A.L. Weber, Electrical modes in scanning probe microscopy, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 30(14), 1167 (2009) [Link].
(1) M. Memesa, S. Weber, S. Lenz, J. Perlich, R. Berger, P. Müller-Buschbaum and J.S. Gutmann, Integrated blocking layers for hybrid organic solarcells., Energy Environ. Sci. 2(7), 783 (2009) [pdf][Link].
Book chapters
L. Collins, S.A.L. Weber and B.J. Rodriguez, Applications of KPFM-based approaches for surface potential and electrochemical measurements in liquid, [Link]
S.A.L. Weber, H.-J. Butt, R. Berger, Electrical Characterization of Solar Cell Materials Using Scanning Probe Microscopy, Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. III, Edited by B. Bhushan, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (2013) [Link].